"Olá querido diário
Não tenho nada de especial para te contar ou tenho e não sou capaz de pôr as coisas cá fora. Nos últimos dias tenho passado o tempo a arrumar as minhas emoções em caixotes à prova de cotão para que nas próximas semanas em Zurique possa viver a vida de um travo sôfrego e feliz. Dos últimos dias de degredo ficam poucas coisas… Não consigo escrever…
Sorry dear diary but I will spin this in English… I am too tired to write you some proper stuff in Portuguese. In the last days I saw a lot, I talked a lot and I drunk even more but in the end of days I was just too tired of it. Only last night I had a great time or at least some part of it. It's cool to speak about important stuff with someone that you just saw once or twice, you feel like you are an interesting guy, or at least you look like one, that people see you like a nice guy to speak about their darkest secretes or just the most silly ones. Sometimes I just feel a little bit sad because I don’t speak so much about myself, lots of times I see myself wishing secretly that I could share more of the stuff that twists and hurts inside of me. Sadly I have a verywelllockedbulletproofed heart… Too much speaking and not so much sharing… I hope that I can change that… I really do...
Your fucked up friend"
Não tenho nada de especial para te contar ou tenho e não sou capaz de pôr as coisas cá fora. Nos últimos dias tenho passado o tempo a arrumar as minhas emoções em caixotes à prova de cotão para que nas próximas semanas em Zurique possa viver a vida de um travo sôfrego e feliz. Dos últimos dias de degredo ficam poucas coisas… Não consigo escrever…
Sorry dear diary but I will spin this in English… I am too tired to write you some proper stuff in Portuguese. In the last days I saw a lot, I talked a lot and I drunk even more but in the end of days I was just too tired of it. Only last night I had a great time or at least some part of it. It's cool to speak about important stuff with someone that you just saw once or twice, you feel like you are an interesting guy, or at least you look like one, that people see you like a nice guy to speak about their darkest secretes or just the most silly ones. Sometimes I just feel a little bit sad because I don’t speak so much about myself, lots of times I see myself wishing secretly that I could share more of the stuff that twists and hurts inside of me. Sadly I have a verywelllockedbulletproofed heart… Too much speaking and not so much sharing… I hope that I can change that… I really do...
Your fucked up friend"
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